Source code for win32ctypes.pywin32.win32api

# (C) Copyright 2014 Enthought, Inc., Austin, TX
# All right reserved.
# This file is open source software distributed according to the terms in
""" A module, encapsulating the Windows Win32 API. """
from win32ctypes.core import (
    _common, _dll, _resource, _system_information, _backend, _time)
from win32ctypes.pywin32.pywintypes import pywin32error as _pywin32error


[docs]def LoadLibraryEx(fileName, handle, flags): """ Loads the specified DLL, and returns the handle. Parameters ---------- fileName : unicode The filename of the module to load. handle : int Reserved, always zero. flags : int The action to be taken when loading the module. Returns ------- handle : hModule The handle of the loaded module """ if not handle == 0: raise ValueError("handle != 0 not supported") with _pywin32error(): return _dll._LoadLibraryEx(fileName, 0, flags)
[docs]def EnumResourceTypes(hModule): """ Enumerates resource types within a module. Parameters ---------- hModule : handle The handle to the module. Returns ------- resource_types : list The list of resource types in the module. """ resource_types = [] def callback(hModule, type_, param): resource_types.append(type_) return True with _pywin32error(): _resource._EnumResourceTypes( hModule, _resource.ENUMRESTYPEPROC(callback), 0) return resource_types
[docs]def EnumResourceNames(hModule, resType): """ Enumerates all the resources of the specified type within a module. Parameters ---------- hModule : handle The handle to the module. resType : str : int The type or id of resource to enumerate. Returns ------- resource_names : list The list of resource names (unicode strings) of the specific resource type in the module. """ resource_names = [] def callback(hModule, type_, type_name, param): resource_names.append(type_name) return True with _pywin32error(): _resource._EnumResourceNames( hModule, resType, _resource.ENUMRESNAMEPROC(callback), 0) return resource_names
[docs]def EnumResourceLanguages(hModule, lpType, lpName): """ List languages of a resource module. Parameters ---------- hModule : handle Handle to the resource module. lpType : str : int The type or id of resource to enumerate. lpName : str : int The type or id of resource to enumerate. Returns ------- resource_languages : list List of the resource language ids. """ resource_languages = [] def callback(hModule, type_name, res_name, language_id, param): resource_languages.append(language_id) return True with _pywin32error(): _resource._EnumResourceLanguages( hModule, lpType, lpName, _resource.ENUMRESLANGPROC(callback), 0) return resource_languages
[docs]def LoadResource(hModule, type, name, language=LANG_NEUTRAL): """ Find and Load a resource component. Parameters ---------- handle : hModule The handle of the module containing the resource. Use None for current process executable. type : str : int The type of resource to load. name : str : int The name or Id of the resource to load. language : int Language to use, default is LANG_NEUTRAL. Returns ------- resource : bytes The byte string blob of the resource """ with _pywin32error(): hrsrc = _resource._FindResourceEx(hModule, type, name, language) size = _resource._SizeofResource(hModule, hrsrc) hglob = _resource._LoadResource(hModule, hrsrc) if _backend == 'ctypes': pointer = _common.cast( _resource._LockResource(hglob), _common.c_char_p) else: pointer = _resource._LockResource(hglob) return _common._PyBytes_FromStringAndSize(pointer, size)
[docs]def FreeLibrary(hModule): """ Free the loaded dynamic-link library (DLL) module. If necessary, decrements its reference count. Parameters ---------- handle : hModule The handle to the library as returned by the LoadLibrary function. """ with _pywin32error(): return _dll._FreeLibrary(hModule)
[docs]def GetTickCount(): """ The number of milliseconds that have elapsed since startup Returns ------- counts : int The millisecond counts since system startup. """ return _time._GetTickCount()
[docs]def BeginUpdateResource(filename, delete): """ Get a handle that can be used by the :func:`UpdateResource`. Parameters ---------- fileName : unicode The filename of the module to load. delete : bool When true all existing resources are deleted Returns ------- result : hModule Handle of the resource. """ with _pywin32error(): return _resource._BeginUpdateResource(filename, delete)
[docs]def EndUpdateResource(handle, discard): """ End the update resource of the handle. Parameters ---------- handle : hModule The handle of the resource as it is returned by :func:`BeginUpdateResource` discard : bool When True all writes are discarded. """ with _pywin32error(): _resource._EndUpdateResource(handle, discard)
[docs]def UpdateResource(handle, type, name, data, language=LANG_NEUTRAL): """ Update a resource. Parameters ---------- handle : hModule The handle of the resource file as returned by :func:`BeginUpdateResource`. type : str : int The type of resource to update. name : str : int The name or Id of the resource to update. data : bytes A bytes like object is expected. .. note:: PyWin32 version 219, on Python 2.7, can handle unicode inputs. However, the data are stored as bytes and it is not really possible to convert the information back into the original unicode string. To be consistent with the Python 3 behaviour of PyWin32, we raise an error if the input cannot be converted to `bytes`. language : int Language to use, default is LANG_NEUTRAL. """ with _pywin32error(): try: lp_data = bytes(data) except UnicodeEncodeError: raise TypeError( "a bytes-like object is required, not a 'unicode'") _resource._UpdateResource( handle, type, name, language, lp_data, len(lp_data))
[docs]def GetWindowsDirectory(): """ Get the ``Windows`` directory. Returns ------- result : str The path to the ``Windows`` directory. """ with _pywin32error(): # Note: pywin32 returns str on py27, unicode (which is str) on py3 return str(_system_information._GetWindowsDirectory())
[docs]def GetSystemDirectory(): """ Get the ``System`` directory. Returns ------- result : str The path to the ``System`` directory. """ with _pywin32error(): # Note: pywin32 returns str on py27, unicode (which is str) on py3 return str(_system_information._GetSystemDirectory())